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What type of custody is best for the child?

What Type Of Custody Is Best For A Child?

Updated: September 18, 2023
What Type Of Custody Is Best For A Child?

The process of determining child custody may be very stressful & emotional. It's critical for parents & guardians in O.C. to know their custody options so they may make the best decisions for their children.

So, we'll look at the various custody arrangements recognized by Orange County's family law & the considerations that should go into reaching a final determination.

Understanding Different Sorts Of Child Custody

It's critical for O.C. parents & guardians to be familiar with the various custody arrangements that might be made for their children. You'll be better able to consider your child's best interests in light of this knowledge.

Sole custody & Joint custody are two examples of the several custody arrangements that may be made for a child. You must understand these categories & their effects to win custody as well as advocate for your child's best interests. Let's detail each category to assist you in picking wisely.

Custody Arrangements- Sole vs. Joint

Deciding on sole or joint custody of children is tough for parents. Joint custody permits both parents to have significant roles in raising their child, whereas sole custody gives exclusive legal & physical custody to one parent.

The best interests of the child, parental communication & cooperation, plus the specifics of each case, are only a few of the variables that must be considered. To pick the option that best serves the child's long-term interests, assess the pros & cons.

Visitation Rights of the Non-custodial Parent in Sole Custody 

If one parent has sole custody, the non-custodial parent is generally given visitation rights. These rights ensure that the child has frequent and continuing contact with both parents, even when one has sole custody. The non-custodial parent can visit the child as per a scheduled time arrangement, which may be agreed by the parents or included in a child custody court order. 

There can be several types of visitation rights given to the non-custodial parent, including:

·        Scheduled Visitations 

Scheduled visitations are when both parents agree to a visitation schedule that defines how much time the child will spend with the non-custodial parent. This is a common visitation right that is a part of the child custody agreement by both parents. 

·        Reasonable Visitations

Reasonable visitations are an open-ended arrangement that provides flexibility to both parents to work out a visitation schedule. However, such arrangements often leave room for disagreements and conflict between parents. The parents must clearly communicate with each other to prevent disputes. 

·        Supervised Visitations 

Supervised visitations mean that the non-custodial parent can visit the child in the presence of the other parent, a family member, or a professional agency. These are used in instances where the parent has not been present in the child's life or the safety of the child is a concern. 

If one parent is unfit for parenting or poses a physical or mental danger to the child, the court may reject visitation rights and order no contact between the non-custodial parent and the child. 

Legal Custody vs. Physical Custody

There are two types of custody that parents must be aware of when dealing with children: physical custody & legal custody. Where & with whom the child will spend the majority of his/her time is what is meant by "physical custody."

In contrast, a parent with legal custody of a child has the right to make major decisions on the child's behalf in areas including their upbringing, healthcare, & religion.

Physical custody is actually where the child will live on a day-to-day basis, while legal custody gives parents the authority to make major life choices on their child's behalf. When deciding what custody arrangement is best for your child, it's crucial to think about both joint & sole custody.

Aspects Considered By Judges In Custody Decisions

1. Child's Best Interests:- The judge will consider what is in the child's best interests while reaching a custody determination. A child's age, health, connection with each parent, & any unique requirements are all taken into account. Protecting the child's well-being & happiness is the first concern.

2. Parental Fitness:- Judges consider a parent's history of abuse or neglect, amount of involvement in the child's life, parenting ability, plus physical & emotional requirements while deciding whether to place a child with them. The history of child abuse, neglect, or drug use by either parent is likewise considered.

3. Parental Relationship:- The bond between parents is crucial; thus, this is the third consideration. A judge will think about the parents' ability to communicate, work together, & make decisions that are in their child's best interests. A child's emotional well-being is considered, as is the potential impact of parental conflict.

4. Child's Wishes:- Wishes & preferences of the child may be taken into account; however, this will depend on the child's age & level of maturity. The judge may have a private conversation with the child or may appoint a child custody evaluator or other impartial third party to interview the child. The desires of the child should be considered, but they are not decisive in child custody cases.

5. Stability & Continuity:- When determining custody judgments, judges take into account the stability & continuity of the child's living situation. They take into account the child's relationships at school & in the community, the consistency of each parent's home life, & the child's ability to maintain a steady schedule with each parent.

Remember that every custody case is distinct & that courts might draw judgments depending on the facts. An accomplished family law attorney can assist you in fighting for your child's best interests & comprehend your case's factors.

Pros & Cons Of Common Custody Strategies

Sole Custody:-

  • Having one primary caretaker means more consistency & security for the child.
  • Allows one parent to make major choices for their child without informing the other.
  • Lessens arguments & fights at home.
  • A child's relationship with the non-custodial parent may suffer as a result.
  • The custodial parent takes on a great deal of responsibility.
  • Reduces the non-custodial parent's opportunity to participate in raising the child.


Joint Custody:-

  • A healthy relationship with both parents may be maintained, benefiting the child.
  • Encourages parents to work together & make decisions together.
  • The child will feel like a valued member of both families.
  • It's crucial for parents to be able to talk to one another & work together, which may be difficult in tense homes.
  • Logistics & coordination are needed to make the change from one home to another go off without a hitch.
  • Potential for parental conflict over critical child upbringing choices.


Consider these benefits & cons when picking a child custody arrangement. What helps one family may not help another since every household has its own dynamics. Keep in mind that doing what is in your child's best interest is the end goal. Mediation services or the advice of a qualified family law attorney might be invaluable if you're having trouble finding your way through this maze.

Wrapping Up!

When deciding on child custody in Orange County, it is paramount to put the child's best interests first. When they understand sole custody, joint custody, & physical vs. legal custody, parents can make decisions that benefit their children.

The court shall likewise consider the child's age & relationship with each parent. Creating a comprehensive parenting plan can assist in establishing clear guidelines for both parents to follow.

All possible child custody arrangements should be carefully considered, & further assistance should be sought if necessary. Don't forget that protecting & fostering the child's development should be your first priority.