Due to the overwhelming demand for our services, we currently only accept family law clients in Orange County court.


Binoye Jos


Binoye Jos

Family Law Attorney

At Jos Family Law, my focus is on helping families with legal matters that involve the most important people and aspects in their lives. When children are involved, the outcome of family law litigation should always be in the best interests of the child.

You can trust my firm to help you navigate your family law dispute. Not only did I have a very successful career for more than 20 years, managing and training more than 1,000 marketing directors, I also experienced my own personal child custody battle. Married for only two years, it took more than five years to litigate and cost more than $400,000. Even after 198 filings and being represented by two high-profile attorneys, I could not get custody orders that were in my child’s best interests. That left me with only one way to help my child: I had to learn the law and fight for my child by representing myself in family law court. After firing my attorneys, I was able to win 50% custody in a few short months, while working full time and taking care of my young son. After my victory, I made the decision to become an attorney. Now others benefit from my passion of protecting their families' most precious assets and fighting for the best interests of every child.

If you are looking for an attorney who understands the pain, the struggle, and what it takes to fight for your family’s rights in a family law matter, look no further. I believe that winniing is a habit, one that I practice every single day. The day I don’t have the passion, energy, and drive to fight for my clients’ rights is the day I will walk away from this career. I believe my clients’ lives are equally as important as my own, and treat them with the respect and care they deserve.

Martin Luther King, Jr., said that "[t]he ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." During the most difficult time of my life, I was fortunate enough to remarry, and we have three children and a wonderful family life. I am eager and ready to help families during the toughest times in their lives. I know what it takes.

If you are ready to meet your Orange County Child Custody Attorney, one who will fight for your rights in Orange, California, and surrounding areas, then contact us for a free initial consultatioin at (714) 733-7066 or jos@josfamilylaw.com.