Santa Ana Divorce Lawyer


Going through a divorce can be difficult, and understanding the laws around divorce can be daunting and overwhelming. As experienced Santa Ana divorce attorneys, we know that you want the best outcome for yourself and your children. It is our goal to help you navigate the California Family Code and court system.

We have been practicing family law for several years… and we've seen and done it all.

Every family is different, and so is their divorce. Our approach remains the same in every divorce - to protect you, your children, and your assets. We always try to keep your case from going to court and exploding into an all-out battle. Whenever possible, we try to minimize conflict, stress, and cost and resolve your case at the earliest.

However, if that doesn't work, we aren't afraid to fight for your rights in court. We are formidable trial attorneys with an in-depth understanding of the California legal system.

Orange County Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer w-100

What is Included in a California Divorce?

Family law deals with disputes between a family and domestic relations. It encompasses a wide range of legal issues, ranging from marriage and divorce to child custody orders, child and spousal support services, property division, etc. At Jos Family Law, we understand and can help you navigate such complexities.

Some areas of divorce and family law we specialize in include:

  • Child Custody
  • Child Support
  • Spousal Support
  • Asset Division
  • Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
  • Domestic Violence
  • Paternity
  • Parent's Rights
  • Modification of Orders

We constantly monitor regulatory changes in California’s family law system and stay abreast with court procedures. The goal of our Santa Ana divorce attorneys is to resolve your family disputes fairly and equitably. We are always available to inform you of your rights and legal options so you can make the best possible decision about your future

Get Seasoned Legal Counsel When Making Life-altering Decisions

Mr. Binoye Jos Can Help You Make the Right Choice!

Jos Family Law proudly serves all of Santa Ana's family law requirements. Santa Ana is the central hub of Orange County & has a sizable population. Our team at Jos Family Law gladly provides the service that the city's citizens require. Choose the award-winning best Santa Ana Divorce Attorney.

Divorce may be a difficult issue, but it's important to consider your alternatives and the possibilities that may or may not occur. If you're considering divorce or have already begun the family law process, chances are you have more questions than answers. These issues vary from the need to go to court to the necessity of hiring an attorney, as well as how you will manage financially after the divorce.

It is perfectly natural and acceptable to have more questions than answers, and Jos Family Law is here to help. According to current legislation, California is a no-fault state. This eliminates ancient common laws. This means that no one may be penalized as a result of the divorce. The family code makes it clear that irreconcilable disagreements are sufficient grounds for divorce.

Things You Should Know About Divorce Proceedings

If you're considering filing for divorce or have already been served with divorce papers, it's essential & vital to understand the basics of divorce proceedings. Here are a few vital things you should know about:

  • How do I fill out my papers?
  • What will happen if I don't get a lawyer?
  • Where do I file my answer?
  • Do I genuinely need to go to court?
  • When is my court date?
  • How does the judge(O.C. court) decide who gets custody of our children?
  • What if we can't agree on anything?
  • Will I lose all my property during a divorce proceeding?
  • Does California law protect me from getting cheated in a divorce?
  • Who decides how much spousal support I'll receive or pay?
  • When am I eligible for alimony in California?
  • What else should I know before getting divorced?

If you're wondering how to proceed with a divorce in California, contact Mr. Binoye Jos at Jos Family Law, the best divorce Attorney in Santa Ana. You can get help with your individual situation and questions as you go through your divorce proceedings.

This will help ensure that you receive fair treatment during your divorce and maximize support while being equitable in your settlement agreement. Our skilled and knowledgeable family law attorney can make all the difference between winning or losing in court and will be able to bring forth evidence for an agreed-upon settlement or even an uncontested one if possible.

Requirements for Filing a Divorce in California

To properly file a divorce case in California, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You or your ex-spouse must be a resident of California for at least six months
  • You must be a resident of the county where you plan to file for divorce for at least three months.
  • Your marriage is irrevocably broken with no chance of resolution.

Your marriage is irrevocably broken with no chance of resolution.

Divorce Process in California

The divorce process begins with filing the petition for divorce and ends with an order.

Filing for Divorce

Once you are eligible, you need to file a petition for divorce in Orange County.


If your spouse files a response, the court will begin the discovery process, which is essentially an exchange of information between both parties.

Court Appearance

Once the discovery is complete, both parties must appear before the court for a settlement conference. This is a court-provided opportunity to settle your divorce and other family law matters without a trial.


If you and your ex-spouse cannot reach an agreement, the case will proceed to trial. Both parties will have the opportunity to present facts and evidence to support their respective case.


Based on the evidence and facts, the judge will issue a final decree for divorce.

During the discovery phase, both parties must file a financial disclosure form that details their income, assets, and debts.

Whether you and your ex-spouse choose an out-of-court settlement or go to trial, issues such as child custody, child support, alimony, and property division must be a part of the final agreement or order.

Grounds for Divorce in California

  • Fraud or Misrepresentation:- You believe your spouse lied about something he or she should not have lied about.

  • No Marriage Consummation:- Your partner is unable to produce or perform sexually, and you were unaware of this before the marriage.

  • Incest, Underage Party, or Bigamy:- The spouse is related by blood, making the marriage illegal under the laws, your spouse is married to someone else, or one of the spouses is not of legal marriage age, and there is no parental permission.

  • Unsound Mind:- You or your spouse could not consent to the marriage because you were unsound (usually under the influence).

  • Force:- You were coerced into the marriage.

Getting Past Difficult Times: Types Of Divorce in California

  • Summary Divorce: In this case, the couples have no children, few assets, and little debt. Having this done is usually quite straightforward, quick, and easy—except for the 6 month waiting period.

  • Default Divorce: This is the one that most couples hope for. By default, the filing party is given a divorce. This is where the opposing side is either not present or chooses to disregard the case and not reply or participate.

  • Mediated Divorce: This is where you can hire an attorney to act as a mediator between you and your spouse. This can help you save money, and if you and your spouse are submitting documents without the assistance of an attorney, having an unbiased intervention will be beneficial. Remember that even if your mediator is an attorney, they're your mediator, not your attorney.

  • Collaborative Divorce: In this case, both parties have attorneys, and all four parties meet to negotiate and resolve. This reduces court time, saves money on court expenses, and is frequently faster than a contentious divorce.

  • Arbitrated Divorce: This procedure is as simple as hiring a judge. This is not a strategy of "buying the judge," but rather of speeding the process of having a trial-ready on hand while keeping the topic more confidential.

  • Contested Divorce: This is the sort of divorce that we all grow up fearing. These are the divorces that Hollywood dramatizes. In this case, both attorneys fight on behalf of their clients and go to trial. In general, the attorneys are polite & strive to negotiate and settle many minor issues to shorten or eliminate the need for a trial.

Child Custody in California: Determining the Best Interests of the Child

Child custody determination in California is dictated by the best interests of the children. The court will consider several factors to determine the best interests of the child, including:

  • Age & Health of the Child
  • The Child's Relationship with Each Parent
  • Financial Ability of Each Parent
  • Each Parent's Ability to Care for the Child
  • Any History of Substance Abuse or Domestic Violence by Either Parent
  • The Child's Wishes (If Older Than 14 Years of Age & Displaying Emotional Maturity

Custody battles are complex and emotionally charged. Working with a Santa Ana divorce attorney will help you understand the legal issues and options under the law.

Types of Child Custody: Physical & Legal Custody

Types of Child Custody: Physical & Legal Custody

Physical Custody

Physical custody is the determination of what percentage of time the child will spend with each parent. This time-sharing of the child with each parent depends on factors like:

  • Where the child goes to school
  • The amount of time each parent spends with the child
  • Any other factors deemed relevant by the court

Furthermore, physical custody can be divided into two arrangements:

~Joint Custody: Under this arrangement, the child will live with each parent. The court will evaluate the criteria above when determining the timeshare between the parents.

~Sole Custody: The court may also award sole custody to one parent if such an arrangement is in the child's best interests. Grounds may include if one parent lives far away from the other parent and the child has to travel a lot. Alternatively, the court may also award sole custody to one parent if the other has a history of substance abuse or domestic violence.

The parent with physical custody is known as the custodial parent, while the other is known as the non-custodial parent.

Legal Custody

Legal custody is the right to make important decisions about the child's education, healthcare, and religious upbringing.

The parent with legal custody will determine where the child goes to school, the extracurricular activities they would engage in, and whether the child will receive religious instructions. Legal custody may also be divided into sole and joint:

~Joint Legal Custody: This arrangement is when both parents have the right to make important decisions regarding the child's life. The physical location of each parent doesn't matter in legal custody as decisions can be made from afar as well.

~Sole Legal Custody: Sole legal custody is when one parent has the exclusive right and responsibility to make decisions for the child's education, healthcare, and religious upbringing.

The court may award sole legal custody when the parents cannot make decisions regarding the child's best interests together, or when one parent has an alleged history of drug use or abuse.

Child Support: Ensuring the Financial Stability of Your Children's Future

California law dictates the moral and legal duty of each parent to support their minor children. The amount of child support is calculated using a statewide formula that considers each parent's income, the number of children, and the amount of time each parent spends with the child post-divorce. Many other factors may also be considered, such as the family's standard of living, the needs of the child, and the income of custodial parents. Let's take a closer look into the factors:

Gross Income

California Family Code defines gross income as income from any source, except income that is legally exempt from child support calculations. The annual gross income is calculated by evaluating mandatory and discretionary items.

Mandatory items include salaries, commissions, royalties, wages, bonuses, dividends, pensions, rent, interests, worker's compensation benefits, unemployment insurance benefits, disability insurance benefits, social security benefits, and even spousal support.

Discretionary items are items that a judge may add to the child support determination, including expense accounts, car allowances, company credit cards, unused vacation & sick leaves, stock options, daycare, etc.

Net Monthly Disposable Income

An integral part of the formula for child support in California is the net monthly disposable income of each parent. Deductions are subtracted from the gross annual income and divided by 12 to ascertain the net disposable income.


Certain sources of income are exempt from gross income for the purposes of calculating child support. These include student loan proceeds, insurance proceeds, and income derived from child support that are actually received from a public assistance program.

New Spouse Income

The income of either parent's new spouse or domestic partner is usually exempt from that parent's net and gross income, except in extraordinary situations where such an exemption would cause severe hardship to the child's financial status.

Other Factors

Beyond the income-earning capacity of the parents, additional factors are also considered by the courts to calculate child support. These include the percentage of time that each parent spends with the child, childcare costs incurred by either parent, and tax deductions claimed by either parent.

What Does Child Support Cover?

Raising a child in California isn't cheap. The custodial parent must make ends meet to cover the basic living expenses of the child, which go way beyond food and clothing. In California, child support covers the following expenses:

  • Medical Bills
  • Education Expenses
  • Travel & Transportation Expenses
  • Extracurricular Activities
  • College Tuition & Expenses
  • Entertainment

The child support attorneys at Jos Family Law will help you identify all items that would be covered under child support in your case.

What is a Child Support Add-on?

Apart from the aforementioned expenses, the court may also order additional child support. These add-ons are divided into mandatory and discretionary add-ons.

Mandatory Add-ons:

  • Child-care Costs:

    These are expenses necessary to care for the minor child due to a parent's employment, education, or training in pursuit of employment skills.

  • Uninsured Health Costs:

    Healthcare expenses necessary for a minor child that are not covered by the healthcare provider are also a mandatory add-on. The court may order a partial reimbursement of these add-ons by the other parent.

  • Discretionary Add-ons:

    Along with the mandatory add-ons mentioned above, the court may also assign additional categories which are known as discretionary child support add-ons. The court has discretion as to whether such add-ons should be a part of child support or not. These may include:

    Education costs and special needs of minor children Travel expenses for visitation with the non-custodial parent

Spousal Support: Determining Who Pays Alimony & How Much?

Spousal support, or alimony, is the amount paid by the higher-earning spouse to the lower-earning spouse after divorce. Alimony can be awarded on many factors, including the duration of the marriage, each spouse's income & earning capacity, and each spouse's individual financial needs.

Like child support, the court will assess other factors that may impact the amount and length of spousal support. The duration of alimony for couples married for less than ten years will usually be half of the length of marriage. A couple married for a longer period than that will be awarded depending on the individual facts and circumstances of the case.

The court will consider the following factors:

  • Each spouse's income & earning capacity
  • Age and health of each spouse
  • Duration of marriage
  • Assets & liabilities of each spouse
  • Job skill, education, and occupation of each parent
  • Any financial contribution or sacrifice made by either spouse during the marriage
  • The couple's standard of living during the marriage

Our Santa Ana Divorce attorneys will explain your rights and duties and answer questions related to paying or receiving alimony. We can also help you obtain post-judgment modifications due to changed circumstances.

Who Pays Spousal Support?

Family code §4320 governs spousal maintenance. One deciding aspect is whether or not the individual who is required to pay can afford to pay. The length of the marriage is essential; was it less than 10 years, making it short, or more than 10 years, making it long?

There are other factors at play as well, like:

  • What are both parties' financial requirements?
  • What is the earning capability of the individual who will be supported? (Can this individual acquire a job and maintain the same way of life?)
  • Can the supporting party work without interfering with the care of the children?
  • Both partners' ages and health.
  • Each party's duties and assets, including separate property.
  • The immediate and precise tax implications for each party.
  • Contribution made by the supported party to support the other's career during the marriage.
  • Documented proof of any history of domestic violence.
  • The balance of each party's sufferings.
  • Any additional circumstances that the court deems reasonable and equitable.

The objective is that the supported partner be self-sufficient within a realistic time frame, such as half the length of the marriage - unless the marriage is long (over 10 years). In most cases, spousal support is tax-deductible for the supporting party and taxable as income for the receiver. It is essential & vital to consult with an attorney about the reasons you feel you are entitled to spousal support or that you are unable to pay it.

Asset Division: Equitable Division of Marital Assets & Debts

In California, community property is equally divided between both spouses after divorce. Community property refers to all assets and debts acquired by each spouse during the marriage. However, there are certain properties that are exempt from such a division. Assets and debts that are subject to division in a California divorce include:

  • Family-owned Business or Practice
  • Investment Accounts
  • Real Estate, Vacation Homes, etc
  • Retirement Accounts
  • Pension Plans
  • Cars, Boats, and Other Vehicles
  • Art, Collectibles, & Other Valuables
  • Various Other Items

Our Santa Ana divorce attorneys will review your case and finances to achieve the best possible outcome. We will protect your separate property while ensuring you get a fair and equitable portion of the marital property.

How is Property Divided in California?

Once the court identifies community & separate property, it will proceed with dividing all marital property between spouses. In California, community property is divided equally among spouses, but not identically. This means that while the division would be fair, it may not be a 50/50 split. The court will consider the following factors when dividing community property in California:

  • Duration of Marriage: The courts may award a near-equal division of property in long marriages. This is on the presumption that both spouses had ample time to contribute towards the accumulation of assets. In shorter marriages, the division may be unequal if one spouse makes financial contributions.
  • Financial Situation of Each Spouse: If one spouse earns significantly higher income than the other, the court may award them a greater share of the assets and order them to provide spousal support to minimize disparity.
  • Age & Health of Each Spouse: The health and age of each spouse may also affect division, especially if one spouse is significantly older or in bad health.
  • Contribution Made by Each Spouse During Marriage: The court will also look beyond financial contributions during asset division, such as raising and caring for the children, supporting the other spouse's career, and more.
  • Debts: Not just assets, the court will also divide all debts acquired during the marriage equally among the spouses. The exception here would be any debt acquired by a spouse for personal reasons, which would solely be assigned to that party. All shared debts will be divided equally.

Property division laws in California exist because both parties have the right to acquire assets after divorce. Depending on the assets involved and the circumstances of the marriage, the court will create a division plan that is fair to both spouses. To ensure your financial interests are aptly represented, hire a Santa Ana divorce attorney who has experience in complex assets division cases.

At Jos Family Law, we have high-asset divorce attorneys who can create a property division plan that preserves your personal assets and helps you obtain your rightful share of assets.

What is Community Property in California?

California is one of the nine states with community property laws. In layman's words, community property indicates that after marriage, the property, assets, and cash acquired during the marriage are shared. So, if a divorce is filed and no agreement is reached, the property is normally divided 50/50.

The first crucial step in creating a firm basis for your marital property resolution is determining what sort of property you have. The parties are actually free to agree to all or any ideas for dividing the assets, but there are a few laws and cases that provide guidance on how to divide assets fairly.

It is quite beneficial if you address all financial matters with your spouse while you are still on speaking terms. This applies to everything from bank accounts to loans, pensions, retirements, and real estate. Explain to them why you desire this, whether casually or openly.

Understanding this will inform your attorney of what needs to be safeguarded from being wasted, destroyed, sold, or disposed of. Furthermore, having recently duplicated papers helps to avoid any extra attorney expenses for both parties in demanding these records, a process called discovery. When a request is submitted and answered, these costs are invoiced to both parties.

Automatic Temporary Restraining Orders: Preventing your Spouse from Moving Assets After Divorce

A major concern in a divorce is when the responsive spouse learns of the divorce, he or she may begin moving assets. Fortunately, your attorney will be able to assist you with how to manage such a situation. We could have you file for dissolution as soon as possible by serving the summons and petition so that your spouse is bound by the conditions of the automatic temporary restraining orders (ATROs).

These restraining orders are prominently displayed in the summons. These orders serve as a notification to either party to prevent them from disposing of the property. As the summons and petition are submitted concurrently, it is critical to keep the attorney informed of everything going on and if your circumstances necessitate an accelerated filing.

Get In Touch

Our attorneys are here to help you during every stage of your case. Schedule a confidential consultation and know your options with the seasoned counsel of top family law attorneys.

Contact Information

Please call, email, or contact our office online to arrange an appointment for your case today.

How can Jos Family Law Help in Asset Division Cases?

Property division can be an extremely challenging aspect of divorce. Jos Family Law brings 55 years of combined experience in empowering individuals to navigate the asset division process in California. Whether you have simple assets or high net-worth assets, our Santa Ana divorce attorneys will ensure you receive your fair share of marital property and retain all separate property.

During asset division, we can:

  • Value assets and debts acquired during marriage or hire valuation experts for the same
  • Negotiate or litigate your property division dispute
  • Work with forensic accountants, business appraisers, and other financial experts to identify all community property
  • Uncover hidden assets of your ex-spouse
  • Protect your rights throughout the case

When you choose Jos Family Law, you get a dedicated team of counsels who work tirelessly to protect your financial interests. Schedule a consultation today to discuss your property division matter with our experienced Santa Ana divorce attorney.

Preparing for Your Divorce: Things to Avoid During Your Divorce Case

The most important aspect of divorce is that you set your own route in this regard. Each party's activities have a negative impact on the result, even if they are as minor as a social media post. From the day of separation, everything becomes a game of chess. It is only good for you and your attorney to appear as though the entire world is watching your every action.

Being rational will get you further in the case, but being respectful, kind, and pleasant, regardless of how you feel about the other person, will benefit you more than you realize. It's a good idea to educate yourself on the dos & don'ts of divorce. Educating yourself about the procedure and how the court interprets certain circumstances will ensure that you actually do not do anything that will land you in hot water.

  • Trying to hide assets or income from your spouse - if your spouse finds out, it could jeopardize your entire case.
  • Lying to or withholding essential information from your attorney - will only make things harder in the long run
  • Refusing to cooperate with your spouse or their attorney - will only make the process more difficult & stressful.
  • Getting into arguments with your spouse during the divorce proceedings - can be used against you in court.
  • Letting anger/depression get the best of you - try to keep a level head throughout the process, both for yourself & for your children's sake.
  • Relying on friends or family members for emotional support rather than your attorney - while they may have genuinely good intentions, they may not know what is best for you during this period.

JOS Family Law - Your Reliable Partner In Family Law Conflicts

At Jos Family Law, we not only comprehend but also respect the law. We inform our clients of the guidelines & laws that apply to their circumstances. We advise them on how to operate within those rules & fight for you to be treated with the same fair and courteous behavior as the opposing side. Contact Jos Family Law if you want the best Santa Ana Divorce Attorney who will mediate whenever feasible and utilize the court to make decisions when mediation fails.

We will assist & facilitate you in making the right move into your new life as smoothly as possible. You can reach us at (714) 733-7066 or We truly look forward to discussing your Dissolution matter with you & assisting you in determining the appropriate solutions for your requirements and desires.

Frequently Asked Questions

California is a no-fault state, which means divorce can be granted without any reason apart from the complete breakdown of the marriage. The petitioning spouse does not need to prove the wrongdoing of the other spouse. They may simply cite irreconcilable differences or incurable insanity of the other spouse to get divorced.

Divorce timelines can vary depending on the actual complexity of the case & the cooperation of both parties involved. On average, an Orange County uncontested divorce can take around three to six months, while a contested divorce can take much longer, sometimes years.

Yes, it is possible to obtain a divorce without going to court in Santa Ana. Couples who can reach an agreement on all relevant issues, such as property division, child custody & support, and alimony can opt for alternative dispute resolution methods like mediation or collaborative divorce. These methods may save time, money, & courtroom stress.

In Santa Ana, child custody decisions are made based on the best interests of the child. The court analyzes the child's age, health, relationship with each parent, & capacity to meet physical plus emotional requirements. A skilled family law attorney is crucial to win your case & maintain your parental rights.

Yes, child custody & support orders can be modified if there is a significant transformation in circumstances. Changes such as a parent's relocation, a change in income, or the child's needs may warrant a modification. It's essential to seek legal advice to determine if your circumstances meet the requirements for modification & to navigate the process effectively.

In O.C. divorce, Santa Ana follows the principle of community property. This actually means that any assets or debts acquired during the marriage are typically considered community property; hence, they will be divided equally between both parties. However, exceptions exist for separate property, which includes assets owned prior to marriage or acquired through gifts or inheritance.

To ensure a fair division of assets & debts in your divorce, it's crucial to gather all relevant financial information & seek the guidance of an experienced family law attorney.

Once the petition for divorce is filed and served to the opposing party, you can file a request to the court asking for temporary child and/or spousal support. The court will set a date for the hearing during which it will determine if such a temporary order is necessary.

Yes, but you must obtain the non-custodial parent's consent and the court's approval before doing so. The court may grant or deny this request as per the best interests of the child. Moreover, the court may also deny the request if the non-custodial parent wants to continue visitation with the child.

Yes. The court has the authority to order one spouse to partially or wholly pay the other's spouse's fee and cost so both parties have access to quality representation. Speak to a Santa Ana divorce attorney to know the grounds to obtain funds from your spouse for adequate representation.

Get In Touch

Our attorneys are here to help you during every stage of your case. Schedule a confidential consultation and know your options with the seasoned counsel of top family law attorneys.

Contact Information

Please call, email, or contact our office online to arrange an appointment for your case today.

cleint cleint

Sonia Fernández

Jos exhibits exceptional compassion and understanding, promptly addressing all inquiries to facilitate clarity and calm throughout the process with comprehensive and sincere explanations. He offers potential solutions to minimize unnecessary court costs. His team operates efficiently and effectively to complete the task. I highly recommend this law firm as it operates with integrity.

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Carlos Serrano

Thank you very much to Mr. Jos and to all his group of professionals who helped me get out of my child support case with a very good result. Each case is different and my case was very complicated. I live in the state of Virginia and the child support office of the state of California was starting a case against me, the amount they wanted me to pay was ridiculously high I didn't know what to do because I don't live in California and I had never met the child either. I searched online for a lawyer in California and thank God I found Mr. Jos's law office. I don't know them personally but I put my trust in them and they didn't disappoint me. We had very good communication despite the distance and they were always available to talk to me and clarify my doubts. Mr. James was the one who took my case to the end and after a long and very difficult process everything went very well in my favor much more than expected. I am very grateful to God for putting the entire team of professionals from Mr. Jos' office on my way. Words are not enough for me to describe everything they did for me and how grateful I am. I definitely recommend Mr. Jos's law firm. Thank you Mr. James for not giving up in my case and having achieved a magnificent result in my favor.

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Alexandra Duvall

Jos Family Law has been absolutely fantastic in helping me through my child custody case. Mr Jos communicated with me throughout the entire process. He was very empathetic and understanding with my case and my concerns. The team was always supportive and never once did I feel like they didn’t take my case seriously. I’m so grateful I chose this law firm to represent me and I would 100% recommend this team to anyone seeking assistance. In the end I received the outcome I was looking for which was Sole Physical Custody. Thank you so much Jos Family for representing me.

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Marco Galatro

This was the second attorney that represented me for my divorce. Binoye is a very knowledgeable, fair, and professional attorney. They are reliable and this made my experience way less painful. They are definitely not greedy for money, they are not one of the many attorneys out there who overbill for their services. I truly recommend them.

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Mr. Jos is by far the best attorney l've ever had to work with. He is diligent, extremely prepared and informed and patient with his clients and goes above and beyond the call of duty to make sure you get the results you are hoping for. I recommend him to anyone who needs a Family attorney.

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Ricardo Lajaruna

My most sincere gratitude to the attorney Mr. James Sowers, who is very knowledgeable about the law, works with and for his clients. He is very transparent, honest and I am very grateful for his great support. His legal representation is highly recommended!!!

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Nader Zayid

JOS family Law took on my case which entailed custody and move away components and I honestly could not say enough great things about JOS Family Law! Mr. Jos is not only extremely knowledgeable and professional, but it is also extremely obvious how much he cares for his clients on a personal level as well. There is an expression that two heads are better than one, however, Mr. Jos' philosophy takes it further as eight heads are better than two. It was so impressive and reassuring how collaborative everyone at the office works together to meet on regular cadences and discuss their client's cases to brainstorm strategies in order to seek the best possible outcome for their clients. Mr. Jos has an amazing team of extremely talented and knowledgeable attorneys that have worked together on my case. James was the lead attorney on my case and also represented me in my hearing. James was able to get us everything we were asking for as he successfully proved that full custody remaining with me is in the best interest of the children and that the move away is in the best interest of the children as well. We were able to come up with a plan to ensure that the children's mother can visit regularly and still maintain a healthy relationship. James is a rock star attorney! I would without hesitation refer anyone seeking help in a family law matter to call Jos Family Law!

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(714) 733-7066