Binoye Jos is the best child custody attorney Anaheim. At JOS FAMILY LAW , we are committed to doing that which is in the best interests of your children. If you are looking for an attorney who will fight for your rights, feel free to contact JOS FAMILY LAW. On the other hand, if you are looking for vicious litigation or are using your child as revenge against your former partner, please look elsewhere. At JOS FAMILY LAW, we are committed to finding the legal outcome that will best serve the interests of you and, most especially, your child.
Child custody is the most vital aspect of any separation and/or divorce action in court. It is of utmost importance to each child that their parents make the best, most responsible decisions possible when choosing an attorney to represent them throughout the child custody process. The courts require strict adherence to many rules and regulations in every child custody case. Since child custody is so emotionally charged, child custody decisions are – and should be – some of the most difficult decisions of one’s life. The health and wellbeing of your child are at stake, and every good parent wants to do whatever is in their child’s best interests. These decisions must be made with utmost sincerity by both parents, and in a manner that ensures that each child is served in a manner that is most beneficial to them. Our firm can help you and be your Family Law Attorney Anaheim Ca.
At JOS FAMILY LAW , you can rest assured that your case is being handled by an experienced attorney who possesses not only the knowledge and understanding required to navigate your case and negotiate on your behalf, but one who also cares deeply about your matter and will give you the best possible legal advice and services.
Unfortunately, some parents use their child as a weapon against the other parent. This is so detrimental to the child, who will ultimately suffer the most with mental, physical, and spiritual difficulties that will cause them undue and utterly undeserved pain, often for many years past the time when they reach the age of majority.
At JOS FAMILY LAW , Binoye Jos helps and supports each and every client in a manner that takes into account all the sentiments and emotions that accompany any child custody case. Mr. Jos assists his clients to work with opposing parents as much as possible in order to handle as many issues as possible before involving the courts.
In Orange County, the court’s decisions regarding child custody arrangements are based on many factors, including:When parents no longer live together, and depending on the age and emotional maturity of the child, the courts often take into consideration the child’s preference regarding living arrangements. Because a child will be deeply affected by the decisions reached by the courts about which parent the child will live with, and because any and all such decisions will affect the holistic growth and wellbeing of the child, the courts consider input from the child seriously, whenever appropriate. Contact at the best custody attorney near me.
If you find yourself in a difficult situation regarding child custody issues, you must have an experienced and understanding attorney to help you reach a resolution that best suits you and your child. Feel free to contact JOS FAMILY LAW, and we will help you throughout the child custody process in the most seamless manner possible. Call us at (714) 733-7066, or contact us via email at We look forward to serving you.
Typically, a Court retains jurisdiction over Spousal Support after a divorce judgment in marriages over ten years. At the same time, a Court will normally terminate post-judgment jurisdiction for marriages of less than ten years. The spouses can agree to terminate the Court’s continued jurisdiction in either case.
In a long-term marriage, even if the Judgment does not specify that the Court will retain jurisdiction, the Court retains jurisdiction and can even award spousal support for the first time after a divorce judgment is entered.
However, a paying Spouse can retire when he or she becomes eligible to receive benefits under the terms of their retirement plan or Social Security. The Court cannot force the paying Spouse to continue working past the age of retirement.
In the Marriage of McClain (2017) 7 CA5th 262, 270, the Court refused to impute income to a retiree who wanted to stay retired despite evidence that she had job opportunities. Retirement can produce a decrease in the paying Spouse’s income. The Court will assess whether these changed circumstances warranting terminating support for Supported Spouse.
If you have an upcoming hearing on Spousal Support, you should calculate your anticipated amount using specialized software. Such programs permit the user to enter each party’s gross monthly income and to deduct mandatory retirement, pre or post tax health insurance, union dues and other types of deductions. The program generates a report that can be submitted at the time of hearing.
Here, at Jos Family Law, we have the latest software most often used by the Court in calculating Spousal Support. We can help you find out what amount the Court is likely to award you. Do not hesitate. Call Attorney Binoye Jos for your consultation at (714) 733-7066.
At Jos Family Law, our child custody attorney Anaheim can handle the toughest of divorce and custody cases. He understands both sides of the problem - as an attorney and a parent.
Binoye worked in a multi-million dollar industry which he had to leave due to his family law dispute. After 198 filings, two attorneys, and $400,000 spent, he understood he had to do it himself. He represented himself and won 50% of his child's custody. After attending law school, he understood his life's goals.
He founded Jos Family Law and has since been dedicated to protecting parental rights and the best interests of the children. Binoye understands the complexities and stressful nature of family law and child custody cases - which enables him to provide compassionate yet precise guidance to help families navigate the legal quagmire.
Reach out to our experienced attorneys for practical solutions to your child custody and family law disputes which benefits all parties involved.
Child custody is divided into:
Any arrangement may be possible in an agreement. One parent can have sole physical custody but share legal custody with the other parent. It may also be possible in certain situations where only one parent has sole legal and physical custody. Generally, any settlement agreement reached by both parties will be considered better than a court-imposed order.
Our attorneys are here to help you during every stage of your case. Schedule a confidential consultation and know your options with the seasoned counsel of top family law attorneys.
Please call, email, or contact our office online to arrange an appointment for your case today.
It is a general misconception that courts will always award joint custody to parents in California. While it would prefer a cooperative environment for the child where they have meaningful relationships with both parents, the court will not favor joint custody to hostile parents.
One way is that the parents agree between themselves to share custody. The court will only award joint custody if it thinks both parents share an amicable relationship and communicate well about their child's concerns. If the parents aren't cooperative, chances are a joint custody agreement will result in disagreements and conflict. In such a case, the court may appoint one parent as the sole decision maker, which means they would have exclusive rights of legal custody of their child.
Our child custody attorney in Anaheim specializes in the following types of custody cases:
We assist clients in negotiating an agreement that serves the best interests of the child for physical and legal custody.
Visitation rights are accorded to non-custodial parents to spend time and maintain a meaningful relationship with the child. These rights are determined via an agreement or court order that specifies the schedule and conditions under which such visitations may occur.
Our child custody attorney Anaheim undertakes domestic violence cases, helps clients obtain protective orders, and ensures the child's safety by pursuing a proper custody arrangement. The courts take the safety and well-being of the child as a top priority and will limit or prevent contact with an abusive parent. Our attorneys will create a secure environment for your children and safeguard your rights throughout the process.
Modification of child custody orders involves modifying an existing agreement to fit changed circumstances. The court will grant such a modification if there is a material change in circumstances of a parent's living situation, work schedule, career, health, or the child's evolving needs as they age. The court will review the request and grant it only if it aligns with the child's best interests. As there are no written rules as to when courts may award such a modification, discuss your case with an experienced child custody attorney Anaheim before applying for a modification.
When a parent moves away to a significant distance, it may hinder the custody or visitation agreement. If the parent is relocating far away, it may disrupt the child's access to both parents. The custodial parent must seek the court's permission if relocating with the child. The court will ensure such a move is within the child's best interests before ratifying.
Grandparents also have limited rights to seek custody or visitation for their grandchildren. However, this is only granted if within the best interests of the child and under exceptional circumstances such as the death of one parent. It also requires a strong pre-existing bond between the grandparents and the child and evidence of harm if custody or visitation is denied.
The child's age, physical & mental health, relationship with each parent, as well as capacity to create a stable yet caring environment, are considered by courts when determining the child's best interests.
Yes, grandparents can seek custody if it's in the child's best interests & if they can prove that both parents are unfit/unable to care for the child.
Joint custody in Anaheim means both parents share the responsibilities & decision-making for the child. This can be joint legal custody (decision-making) or joint physical custody (time spent with each parent).
Sole custody in Anaheim means that one parent has the primary responsibility for the child's physical & legal care. The other parent may have visitation rights but has limited decision-making power.
Yes, the custody arrangement can be modified if there is a significant change in circumstances or if it's in the child's best interests. However, courts generally prefer stability & consistency for the child.
Relocating with a child after a custody order can be challenging. You will need to obtain the other parent's consent or seek court approval if the move significantly impacts the other parent's visitation rights.
Our attorneys are here to help you during every stage of your case. Schedule a confidential consultation and know your options with the seasoned counsel of top family law attorneys.
Please call, email, or contact our office online to arrange an appointment for your case today.
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