While marriages are meant to last a lifetime, not all do. When a marriage is dissolved, there are many legal, emotional, and financial decisions to be made. If you're contemplating a divorce, it's best to hire a Las Flores divorce attorney who can protect your rights.
For more than two decades, Jos Family Law has provided reliable and practical counsel to individuals facing divorce in California. We represent individuals and families throughout Orange County, including Las Flores.
The legal and emotional implications of divorce can be considerable and complex. The issues involved are further complicated due to the high emotions surrounding it. At Jos Family Law, our Las Flores Divorce attorneys will thoroughly understand your situation and goals and present you with strategic options at every stage of the process.
At all times, our attorneys will ensure that they serve your best interests and those of your children today and in the future. Contact Jos Family Law for a consultation to learn how we can help you.
California is a no-fault state, which means the spouse filing for divorce doesn't have to prove any wrongdoing that led to divorce. Instead, they can obtain divorce by citing irreconcilable differences that led to a breakdown of marriage or permanent legal incapacity of the other spouse to make decisions.
A person seeking divorce must also fulfill California's residency requirements, which means that either spouse must have resided in the state for at least six months and in the county where the petition is filed for at least three months.
Moreover, California has a minimum waiting period of six months before a divorce is finalized. This time period starts once the petitioning spouse serves the respondent. The court grants this time to the spouses for reconciliation, preparing for the case, or creating a mutual agreement.
The spouses may negotiate, mediate, or litigate the following issues in their California divorce:
At Jos Family Law, we believe that all issues in a divorce can be resolved when both spouses engage in negotiations in good faith. This helps create an agreement that preserves both their rights and obligations.
However, if your ex-spouse is acting in bad faith or uncooperative, our Las Flores divorce attorneys are ready to present a robust case and obtain a favorable outcome.
If you want to file for divorce or have been served by your spouse, contact Jos Family Law for seasoned legal representation. We have the experience to help you navigate divorce successfully and protect your emotional well-being at every step of the way.
Call (714) 733-7066 or send an email to jos@josfamilylaw.com to schedule a consultation with our Las Flores divorce attorney today.
California is a no-fault state. Either party can seek divorce on grounds of irreconcilable differences or mental incapacity. It's not necessary to prove the wrongdoing of either spouse, though things like abuse or adultery may be taken into consideration during property division or alimony. The marriage will dissolve even if one spouse objects to the divorce.
California's residency requirements state that either spouse must be a resident in the state for at least 6 months prior to filing the petition and at least 3 months where the petition is filed.
No. There's no requirement that spouses must formally live apart before filing for a divorce. However, you can file for a legal separation to resolve financial or legal issues or in hopes of reconciliation.
The duration of your divorce case depends on various circumstances. Uncontested divorces can be resolved as early as six months from the date when the spouse is served with the divorce paper. Contested divorces can take longer to resolve. Typically, contested divorces take 12-18 months to resolve. The involvement of children and high net-worth assets can further prolong the case.
The cost of your divorce will also depend on whether it is contested or uncontested. Uncontested cases are less expensive than contentious divorces with complex assets or children. The more issues resolved via out-of-court settlement, the more you can control the cost. The more conflicts that need to be litigated, the higher the cost of divorce.
Our attorneys are here to help you during every stage of your case. Schedule a confidential consultation and know your options with the seasoned counsel of top family law attorneys.
Please call, email, or contact our office online to arrange an appointment for your case today.
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