Jos Family Law is here to serve the Titan Community. CSUF’s hometown residents have someone they can turn to for their family law needs. If you need help with a divorce or figuring out what your options are, Jos Family Law is here to be your Fullerton Divorce Attorney.
If you're getting a divorce and need a divorce attorney in Fullerton to represent you, Jos Family Law is here to help. We can assist you with all the paperwork, negotiate a settlement, or represent your interests in court to ensure you get everything you're entitled to. We're here for you every step of the way.
There are a few basic requirements that must be met before a couple can file for divorce in California. The spouse filing for divorce must be a resident of the state for at least six months, as well a resident of the county where the petition is filed for at least three months.
In addition, California is a no-fault state, which means neither party has to prove wrongdoing of the other to file for divorce. One spouse can file for divorce even if the other doesn't wish the marriage to be dissolved. Reasons for divorce may include:
This is the most common reason couples cite. This states that the marriage has broken down beyond repair and divorce is the only path forward.
A spouse may also cite legal Incapacity of the other to make decisions. However, this requires proving that the other spouse is suffering from incurable insanity when the petition was filed.
Our attorneys are here to help you during every stage of your case. Schedule a confidential consultation and know your options with the seasoned counsel of top family law attorneys.
Please call, email, or contact our office online to arrange an appointment for your case today.
The divorce process begins with either spouse filing a petition for divorce and serving the other spouse. A mandatory six month waiting period then ensures before the marriage is officially dissolved. The respondent has 30 days to respond to the petition.
If the spouse doesn't respond, the court will assume that both spouses are in agreement, and the case will proceed as a default divorce. The petition may also include requests regarding temporary orders for child support, visitations, alimony, domestic violence restraining orders, property valuations, and other family law matters.
During discovery, both spouses must exchange information regarding their personal & financial circumstances. This includes all information regarding joint income & assets and separate assets & debts. The court may also require a formal discovery, where both parties exchange documents, interrogatories & depositions to resolve issues like valuation of assets, division of property, child support, spousal support, child custody & visitations, a domestic violence restraining order, paternity, and other family law matters.
If both spouses are in agreement regarding the terms of the divorce, then the divorce proceeds as a no contest divorce. Both parties negotiate or mediate a marital settlement agreement and file it with the court. The judge will review the agreement and finalize the terms or ask the parties to change specific terms. If approved, the judgement of marriage dissolution is passed and both parties are free to marry again.
If the spouses cannot work towards a settlement agreement together, they must proceed to court and have the judge decide for them. The judge will hear both parties and make decisions regarding child custody & visitations, child support, spousal support, and asset division. These particulars are detailed in the final divorce decree, which restores the single status of both parties and legally dissolves their marriage.
Spouses that cannot agree about certain issues have to go through contested divorce. If the parties cannot reach common ground on issues like custody of children & division of assets, the court will decide for them.
Our Fullerton Divorce attorneys are skilled at negotiation & mediation. We can help you find a way forward without the aggravated time and cost of litigation.
If you and your ex-spouse are on the same page and agree on all aspects, your divorce will proceed as an uncontested divorce. Even so, it is important to work with a Fullerton Divorce attorney who understands California's legal process. Any misstep can be costly.
Our attorneys will review the terms of your agreement and ensure fairness without any prejudiced terms. We'll make sure to finalize your divorce as soon as possible.
The involvement of money and other high-net-worth assets can complicate a divorce. The higher the assets involved, the more contentious divorce can be. Our Fullerton divorce attorneys are experts in handling high-net-worth divorce cases and obtaining a favorable outcome. We also have access to financial analysts to navigate nuanced financial issues.
The hardest part of divorce for parents is the determination of custody. It is important to set your preferences aside and prioritize the best interests of your children. Our lawyers are here to create an agreement that caters to your child's best interests and also protects your parental rights.
California law dictates the legal duty of both parents to support minor children. Determining support for children can be a cause of disagreements and friction. Whether you're contesting support or fighting to secure financial benefits for your children, our Fullerton divorce attorneys will ensure a fair and just outcome for all parties involved.
California is a community property state, which means all assets and debts acquired during the marriage will be split 50/50 among the spouses. Our attorneys will ensure a fair and equitable division and protect your separate property. We can help both parties create an agreement or fight for your rights in court.
Unfortunately, domestic violence is common in California. If your spouse is abusive, we'll help you take the right steps to obtain a divorce. Our divorce attorneys in Fullerton will obtain a restraining order to protect you and your children from harm and work towards finalizing your divorce for a happier future. Don't hesitate to reach out to Jos Family Law for immediate assistance.
We understand how complex ending a marriage can be. You don't have to deal with the fallout of your marriage alone. Let our experienced Fullerton divorce attorneys help.
We have a successful track record of helping clients navigate complex family law issues in Orange County. We'll look after your best interests and help you achieve the results that matter to you.
Schedule a comprehensive case consultation with our Fullerton divorce attorneys today. Call (714) 733-7066 or send an email to to discuss divorce, child custody, or any other family law issues today.
Once the petition is filed and served to your spouse, it will take at least six months for the marriage to be dissolved. However, you and your ex-spouse can create an agreement meanwhile to resolve all issues.
The spouse filing for divorce must be a resident of the state for at least six months, as well a resident of the county where the petition is filed for at least three months. Being a no-fault state, California has no other requirements for divorce.
Apart from the court filing fee of $435 for each complaint and the first petition, coming up with an exact figure can be difficult. An uncontested divorce is the cheapest way to finalize marriage dissolution. On the other hand, the involvement of children and high net-worth assets will mean more work for your attorney which translates into higher costs.
An uncontested divorce may take a few months to finalize, whereas divorces with high net-worth assets and children may take years. Work with our Fullerton divorce attorneys to resolve your divorce in the shortest time possible without compromising your rights and best interests.
You can file a request to the court to have your spouse pay your attorney's fee partially or completely. To ensure adequate representation, the court has the authority to order one party to pay the cost of legal representation of the other party. Speak to our attorneys to learn how you can obtain funds from your spouse.
Our attorneys are here to help you during every stage of your case. Schedule a confidential consultation and know your options with the seasoned counsel of top family law attorneys.
Please call, email, or contact our office online to arrange an appointment for your case today.
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