Costa Mesa Divorce Attorney


Divorce can be stressful and overwhelming, and you don't need that to compound with bad legal advice. Whether you are the spouse who wishes to end the marriage or the one who wants to save it, either way, you will have to go through the complex family law system in order to reach the final judgment of the divorce decree.

That's why having the best Divorce Attorney Costa Mesa has to offer can make all the difference in your case; with that level of legal expertise on your side, you have a really better chance of coming out on top in court and being able to move on with your life more quickly!

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6 Tips When Filing For Dissolution Of Marriage

The end of a marriage is always an emotionally charged time. When children are involved - the stakes are even higher. So, it's important to have an experienced Costa Mesa divorce attorney on your side who can help you navigate the process and protect your interests. Here are six tips to keep in mind when filing for dissolution of marriage

  1. Try to stay civil with your spouse. Remember that no matter how frustrated or angry you may be with them at this point, they will actually still be around long after the divorce is finalized.

  2. Remember that children come first.

  3. Keep any financial discussions as short as possible, and never let emotions get in the way of what's best for your family. Be prepared by setting up a realistic budget beforehand so that there are no surprises later on down the line.

  4. You should also determine who will live where and if the kids will continue attending the same school before deciding anything else.

  5. Remember that one party does not need to consent in order for the other party to file for dissolution of marriage in OC, California. But it is always better to work together rather than against each other and try to resolve issues privately.

  6. Consider getting legal advice from a top divorce lawyer before signing anything.

To learn more about how we can help dissolve your marriage, please contact our office today!

How Do I Really Know If I Need A Divorce Attorney?

A divorce can be one of the most difficult times in your life, but it doesn't have to be a long & painful process. By working with the best divorce attorney in Costa Mesa, you can ensure that you receive the best settlement possible while moving on with your life as quickly as possible.

Whether you need assistance in choosing between mediation or litigation, or if you need help going through the legal process and fighting for custody of your children, our firm will handle all of your divorce needs efficiently & with compassion. Here are 5 signs that you need to engage the best irvine divorce attorney to help you through this difficult time.

  • You & your spouse can no longer communicate effectively.
  • You have tried marriage counseling, but it has not helped.
  • You or your spouse has been unfaithful.
  • You cannot agree on anything about your children.
  • Your spouse is abusive.

If any of these occurrences apply to you, then contact Mr. Binoye Jos, the best Divorce Attorney to offer, at the Law Offices of Jos Family Law today for a consultation and assessment of your case!


Jos Family Law is pleased to serve all of Costa Mesa's family law needs. Costa Mesa is one of Orange County's busiest cities, with a considerable population. Jos Family Law happily provides the assistance that the residents of the city demand. Choose Jos Family Law for the best Costa Mesa Divorce Attorney.

Divorce is a difficult problem, but it is critical to explore your options and the possibilities that may or may not arise. If you're thinking about divorce or have already started the family law procedure, you probably have more questions than answers. These considerations range from the requirement of going to court to the necessity of employing an attorney, as well as how you will manage financially following the divorce.

It is perfectly natural and acceptable to have more questions than answers, and JFL is here to help. According to current legislation, California is a no-fault state. This eliminates ancient common laws. This means that no one may be penalized as a result of the divorce. The family code makes it clear that irreconcilable disagreements are sufficient grounds for divorce.

What About Our Assets?

Our lovely state of California is a state of community property. This implies that in the event of a divorce, whatever property accumulated by either spouse during the marriage is shared 50-50. This is constantly the case when it comes to marital property, but there are situations when you need to ensure the court understands your spouse gave you the automobile or you owned the house before the marriage.

The possibilities are unlimited, but having an attorney who can apply the law to your situation and tell you what you can do is what matters. The property is occasionally divided by the court under a concept known as "quasi-marital" property. In a divorce proceeding, if the parties have relocated to California from other states/counties, the property obtained by the spouse/parties during their marriage in other states/countries is referred to as "quasi-community property" by the court.

What Is The Best Path?

To begin, are you divorcing, dissolving a domestic partnership, seeking a formal separation, or annulling your marriage?

Since we reside in the wonderful state of California, dissolving a domestic relationship is the same as divorce. Domestic partnerships actually have the same legal status as marriages; The only distinction is that the court has a different name. You are pursuing a Dissolution of Domestic Partnership rather than a Dissolution of Marriage.

Every legislation that uses the word "spouse" will apply to your partnership, but it will also apply to your partner. Choose the best Divorce Attorney. If you don't want to be married and the law allows it, you could consider annulment.

This is the point at which the court "erases" all traces of the marriage. On paper, this means you'll be "single" rather than "divorced." Not everyone will be eligible. You cannot just cancel a marriage because you do not wish to divorce. Some broad causes might be:

Fraud or Misrepresentation:- You believe your spouse lied about something he or she should not have lied about.

No Marriage Consummation:- Your partner is unable to produce or perform sexually, and you were unaware of this before the marriage.

Incest, Underage Party, or Bigamy:- The spouse is related by blood, making the marriage illegal under the laws, your spouse is married to someone else, or one of the spouses is not of legal marriage age, and there is no parental permission.

Unsound mind:- You or your spouse could not consent to the marriage because you were unsound (usually under the influence).

Force:- You were coerced into the marriage.

A legal separation occurs when the law acknowledges you as legally separated, yet you remain married. This option is typically used for financial reasons, ranging from taxes to insurance. The main disadvantage is that you cannot remarry since having two marriages at the same time is illegal in California.

Are You Eligible?

It is vital to remember that in order to apply for "Dissolution" in Orange County, you must have lived in (California)state for at least 6 months. In addition, you must have lived in the county where you want to file for three months.

In this situation, you must have resided in Orange County for at least three months. Following the first petition, California law requires the parties to wait six months before the court may make a final Dissolution decision.

After You Determine, You Are Eligible - Then What?

A petition for - "Dissolution of Marriage or Registered Domestic Partnership" - must be filed with the clerk of the court to actually begin the divorce process. As the term implies, you are petitioning the court or requesting that they dissolve the marriage they have on file for you.

After that, what happens next? The individual requesting the divorce, or as we all know it, 'filing for divorce,' must notify the other party that they are attempting to terminate the marriage. This indicates that they will serve them with notice.

After the other party(ex) has been served, they have a limited period to respond. Alternatively, if you have been served, you only have a certain period of time to respond. Separations and annulments follow the same process of serving the other party but in slightly different forms.

This is the point at which the game clock begins. Everything you do after that can be used against you to help or hurt your case. The same is true for the opposing party. This is why, ideally, it is preferable to get legal counsel early on to ensure that you do not do anything that would tie your or the attorney's hands.

Types Of Divorce!

  1. Summary Divorce: In this case, the couples have no children, few assets, and little debt. Having this done is usually quite straightforward, quick, and easy—except for the 6 month waiting period.

  2. Default Divorce: This is the one that most couples hope for. By default, the filing party is given a divorce. This is where the opposing side is either not present or chooses to disregard the case and not reply or participate.

  3. Mediated Divorce: This is where you can hire an attorney to act as a mediator between you and your spouse. This can help you save money, and if you and your spouse are submitting documents without the assistance of an attorney, having an unbiased intervention will be beneficial. Remember that even if your mediator is an attorney, they're your mediator, not your attorney.

  4. Collaborative Divorce: In this case, both parties have attorneys, and all four parties meet down to negotiate and resolve. This reduces court time, saves money on court expenses, and is frequently faster than a contentious divorce.

  5. Arbitrated Divorce: This procedure is as simple as hiring a judge. This is not a strategy of "buying the judge," but rather of speeding the process of having a trial-ready on hand while keeping the topic more confidential.

  6. Contested Divorce: This is the sort of divorce that we all grow up fearing. These are the divorces that Hollywood dramatizes. In this case, both attorneys fight on behalf of their clients and go to trial. In general, the attorneys are polite & strive to negotiate and settle many minor issues to shorten or eliminate the need for a trial.

Yet the parties make the final decision. This is the sort of divorce that the majority of individuals face if they are not reasonable or thoughtful. It is critical to realize that everyone in your family and involved is negatively impacted.

Applicabilities Of Divorce

Community Property:

California is one of the nine states with community property laws. In layman's words, community property indicates that after marriage, the property, assets, and cash acquired during the marriage are shared. So, if a divorce is filed and no agreement is reached, the property is normally divided 50/50.

Division of Property

The first crucial step in creating a firm basis for your marital property resolution is determining what sort of property you have. The parties are actually free to agree to all or any ideas for dividing the assets, but there are a few laws and cases that provide guidance on how to divide assets in order to stay fair.

It is quite beneficial if you address all financial matters with your spouse while you are still on speaking terms. This really applies to everything from bank accounts to loans, pensions, retirements, and real estate. Explain to them why you desire this, whether casually or openly.

Understanding this will inform your attorney of what needs to be safeguarded from being wasted, destroyed, sold, or disposed of. Furthermore, having recently duplicated papers helps to avoid any extra attorney expenses for both parties in demanding these records, a process called discovery. When a request is submitted and answered, these costs are invoiced to both parties.


A major issue in a divorce is that when the responsive spouse learns of the divorce, he or she may begin moving assets. Fortunately, your attorney will be able to assist you on how to manage such a situation. I could have you file for dissolution as soon as possible by serving the summons and petition so that your spouse is bound by the conditions of the automatic temporary restraining orders (ATRO's).

These restraining orders are prominently displayed in the summons. These orders serve as a notification to either party to prevent them from disposing of the property. As the summons and petition are submitted concurrently, it is critical to keep the attorney informed of everything that is going on and if your circumstances necessitate an accelerated filing.

Undue Influence

It is no secret that divorces are difficult to navigate. While this is not always the case, it is the most common. When the parties (you or your ex) cannot agree on dividing the assets, the divorce becomes agonizing and rough. This might be due to a dispute about the worth of an item, anger for sharing an asset, desire to cause conflict & complexities.

In a more civilized divorce, when one spouse utilizes the bond between the two of them to conduct an interspousal transaction (contract between the two) that benefits one spouse over the other, a possibility of excessive influence develops. This is an unjust arrangement since it takes advantage of the spouses' bond with one other.

Fiduciary Obligation

Divorces influence your bills as well as your spousal support, children, and assets, which most people overlook. That's accurate; if you don't handle the divorce properly, it will have an impact on your credit. Furthermore, a marriage is a fiduciary responsibility between the parties.

They owe it to the other parties to tell them of any purchases, bank accounts, or other relevant goods. This is significant since it may either assist or hurt your case. You not disclosing any accounts may cause you problems, or your spouse doing so may give them problems.

Who Pays The Spousal Support?

The provision of the family code §4320 governs spousal maintenance. These include :

During the latter 3-5 years of the marriage, the level of living was set. This is the social class that the marriage generated for the parties. One deciding aspect is whether or not the individual who is required to pay can afford to pay.

The length of the marriage is essential; was it less than 10years, making it short, or more than 10years, making it long?

What are both parties' financial requirements? What is the earning capability of the individual who will be supported? (Can this individual acquire a job and maintain the same way of life?) Can the supporting party work without interfering with the care of the children? Both partners' ages and health. Each party's duties and assets, including separate property.

The immediate and precise tax implications for each party. Contribution of the supported party to the supported party's career during the marriage. Documented proof of any history of domestic violence. The balance of each party's sufferings. Any additional circumstances that the court deems reasonable and equitable.

The objective is for the supported partner to be self-sufficient within a realistic time frame, such as half the length of the marriage - unless the marriage is long (over 10years). In most cases, spousal support is tax-deductible for the supporting party and taxable as income for the receiver. It is essential & vital to consult with an attorney about the reasons you feel you are entitled to spousal support or that you are unable to pay it.

When Children Are Involved

Children play an important role in divorce. When children are involved, your divorce extends threefold to include child support, child custody, and visitation, as well as, in some situations, paternity if a party raises the matter. These child issues are discussed on our custody page.

Assisting You Take The Stress Out Of The Legal Process

The most important aspect of divorce is that you set your own route in this regard. Each party's activities have a negative impact on the result, even if they are as minor as a social media post. From the day of separation, everything becomes a game of chess. It is only good for you and your attorney to appear as though the entire world is watching your every action.

Being rational will get you further in the case, but being respectful, kind, and pleasant, regardless of how you feel about the other person, will benefit you more than you realize. It's a good idea to educate yourself on the do's & don'ts of divorce. Educating yourself about the procedure and how the court interprets certain circumstances will ensure that you actually do not do anything that will land you in hot water.

10 Crucial Questions To Ask Your Divorce Attorney

Divorce is a well-addressed issue, and there are several suggested questions for divorce attorneys. In other words, there are hundreds of questions that may be asked, ranging from generic to case-specific. Assuming that fees & general attorney experience issues have been addressed, your divorce attorney should be able to answer the following 10 critical questions.

Initial Consultation:-

What are my divorce options in California?

What are my options for avoiding a contentious trial?

How long can I expect the process to take? How do you plan on handling my divorce case?

How can I make the process easier?

How & when can I contact you if I have questions or concerns? Are you willing to discuss my case with me over the phone? How long does it genuinely take you to respond to phone calls?

What are the possible financial & tax implications of my divorce?

Before & During The Proceedings:

Most individuals employ a divorce attorney with the expectation that they will assist in filing the papers, arguing in court, and handling the legal aspects of the marriage's dissolution. A good lawyer - on the other hand, can accomplish much more.

Getting through the legal aspects of a divorce is undoubtedly difficult, but additional difficulties might arise even after the essential legal issues have been resolved. You can navigate these waters with the aid of a qualified divorce attorney, just as you did throughout the actual process.

How can I contact you in case of an emergency? What constitutes an emergency?

What can I expect? Based on what we have discussed, how do you see my case playing out in court?

After The Trial & Loose Ends:-

Where can I actually find resources to help me move on with my life?

How do we proceed with other matters stemming from the divorce?

The questions above serve as an excellent starting point for a conversation between you & your divorce attorney. Most family law attorneys expect to be asked one or more of these questions. You are likely to have more specific inquiries about your own scenario.

It is advised that you write down any questions or concerns you have in order for your attorney to best represent you. There are really no stupid questions, especially when it comes to legal issues that might affect your life.

Get In Touch

Our attorneys are here to help you during every stage of your case. Schedule a confidential consultation and know your options with the seasoned counsel of top family law attorneys.

Contact Information

Please call, email, or contact our office online to arrange an appointment for your case today.


At Jos Family Law, we not only comprehend but also respect the law. We inform our clients of the guidelines & laws that apply to their circumstances. We advise them on how to operate within those rules & fight for you to be treated with the same fair and courteous behavior as the opposing side. Contact Jos Family Law if you want the best Costa Mesa Divorce Attorney who will mediate whenever feasible and utilize the court to make decisions when mediation fails.

We will assist & facilitate you in making the right move into your new life as smoothly as possible. You can reach us at (714) 733-7066 or We truly look forward to discussing your Dissolution matter with you & assisting you in determining the appropriate solutions for your requirements and desires.

Get In Touch

Our attorneys are here to help you during every stage of your case. Schedule a confidential consultation and know your options with the seasoned counsel of top family law attorneys.

Contact Information

Please call, email, or contact our office online to arrange an appointment for your case today.

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Sonia Fernández

Jos exhibits exceptional compassion and understanding, promptly addressing all inquiries to facilitate clarity and calm throughout the process with comprehensive and sincere explanations. He offers potential solutions to minimize unnecessary court costs. His team operates efficiently and effectively to complete the task. I highly recommend this law firm as it operates with integrity.

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Carlos Serrano

Thank you very much to Mr. Jos and to all his group of professionals who helped me get out of my child support case with a very good result. Each case is different and my case was very complicated. I live in the state of Virginia and the child support office of the state of California was starting a case against me, the amount they wanted me to pay was ridiculously high I didn't know what to do because I don't live in California and I had never met the child either. I searched online for a lawyer in California and thank God I found Mr. Jos's law office. I don't know them personally but I put my trust in them and they didn't disappoint me. We had very good communication despite the distance and they were always available to talk to me and clarify my doubts. Mr. James was the one who took my case to the end and after a long and very difficult process everything went very well in my favor much more than expected. I am very grateful to God for putting the entire team of professionals from Mr. Jos' office on my way. Words are not enough for me to describe everything they did for me and how grateful I am. I definitely recommend Mr. Jos's law firm. Thank you Mr. James for not giving up in my case and having achieved a magnificent result in my favor.

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Alexandra Duvall

Jos Family Law has been absolutely fantastic in helping me through my child custody case. Mr Jos communicated with me throughout the entire process. He was very empathetic and understanding with my case and my concerns. The team was always supportive and never once did I feel like they didn’t take my case seriously. I’m so grateful I chose this law firm to represent me and I would 100% recommend this team to anyone seeking assistance. In the end I received the outcome I was looking for which was Sole Physical Custody. Thank you so much Jos Family for representing me.

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Marco Galatro

This was the second attorney that represented me for my divorce. Binoye is a very knowledgeable, fair, and professional attorney. They are reliable and this made my experience way less painful. They are definitely not greedy for money, they are not one of the many attorneys out there who overbill for their services. I truly recommend them.

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Mr. Jos is by far the best attorney l've ever had to work with. He is diligent, extremely prepared and informed and patient with his clients and goes above and beyond the call of duty to make sure you get the results you are hoping for. I recommend him to anyone who needs a Family attorney.

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Ricardo Lajaruna

My most sincere gratitude to the attorney Mr. James Sowers, who is very knowledgeable about the law, works with and for his clients. He is very transparent, honest and I am very grateful for his great support. His legal representation is highly recommended!!!

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Nader Zayid

JOS family Law took on my case which entailed custody and move away components and I honestly could not say enough great things about JOS Family Law! Mr. Jos is not only extremely knowledgeable and professional, but it is also extremely obvious how much he cares for his clients on a personal level as well. There is an expression that two heads are better than one, however, Mr. Jos' philosophy takes it further as eight heads are better than two. It was so impressive and reassuring how collaborative everyone at the office works together to meet on regular cadences and discuss their client's cases to brainstorm strategies in order to seek the best possible outcome for their clients. Mr. Jos has an amazing team of extremely talented and knowledgeable attorneys that have worked together on my case. James was the lead attorney on my case and also represented me in my hearing. James was able to get us everything we were asking for as he successfully proved that full custody remaining with me is in the best interest of the children and that the move away is in the best interest of the children as well. We were able to come up with a plan to ensure that the children's mother can visit regularly and still maintain a healthy relationship. James is a rock star attorney! I would without hesitation refer anyone seeking help in a family law matter to call Jos Family Law!

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(714) 733-7066