Child Custody Attorney Laguna Niguel

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Why Choose Us For Laguna Niguel Child Custody Attorney

Binoye Jos is the best child custody attorney in Laguna Niguel. Child custody is the most vital aspect of any separation and/or divorce action in court. It is of utmost importance to each child that their parents make the best, most responsible decisions possible when choosing an attorney to represent them throughout the child custody process.

The courts require strict adherence to many rules and regulations in every child custody case. Since child custody is so emotionally charged, child custody decisions are – and should be – some of the most difficult decisions of one’s life. The health and wellbeing of your child are at stake, and every good parent wants to do whatever is in their child’s best interests. These decisions must be made with utmost sincerity by both parents, and in a manner that ensures that each child is served in a manner that is most beneficial to them.


At JOS FAMILY LAW , you can rest assured that your case is being handled by an experienced attorney who possesses not only the knowledge and understanding required to navigate your case and negotiate on your behalf, but one who also cares deeply about your matter and will give you the best possible legal advice and services.

Unfortunately, some parents use their child as a weapon against the other parent. This is so detrimental to the child, who will ultimately suffer the most with mental, physical, and spiritual difficulties that will cause them undue and utterly undeserved pain, often for many years past the time when they reach the age of majority.

At JOS FAMILY LAW, Binoye Jos helps and supports each and every client in a manner that takes into account all the sentiments and emotions that accompany any child custody case. Mr. Jos assists his clients to work with opposing parents as much as possible in order to handle as many issues as possible before involving the courts.

When parents no longer live together, and depending on the age and emotional maturity of the child, the courts often take into consideration the child’s preference regarding living arrangements. Because a child will be deeply affected by the decisions reached by the courts about which parent the child will live with, and because any and all such decisions will affect the holistic growth and wellbeing of the child, the courts consider input from the child seriously, whenever appropriate.

Child custody matters require patience and calm, from beginning to end. Each child’s best interests must be the focal point of any decisions reached by the courts. In order to ensure that your child undergoes the process as smoothly as possible, contact JOS FAMILY LAW to provide you with all the support you’ll need to navigate throughout the difficult terrain of child custody arrangements. Please feel free to reach out to us at (714) 733-7066, or via email at

Another factor the Court considers in awarding Spousal Support is each party’s assets (including separate property) and debts. The Court can look at the supported party’s separate property and the one-half community interest they will be awarded at Trial in determining the need for support. Moreover, the asset does not have to be in that party’s name if they can still control that asset.

The Court also considers the length of the marriage. A marriage of at least ten years’ duration is considered a long-term marriage. Any less than ten years is considered a short-term marriage. In short-term marriages (defined as less than 10 years), Family Code Section 4320(l) states that the Court can terminate spousal support at one-half the length of the marriage. For example, if the couple were married for 8 years, then spousal support could terminate at 4 years.


By itself, this number does resolve the issue. Instead, the length of marriage is significant only based on the assumption that one spouse has been out of the employment market for a significant period of time.

The Court also considers the needs of the children. For example, in the case of Marriage of Aufmuth (1979), 89 Cal. App. 3d 446, although the marriage was only 8 years in duration, the Court awarded spousal support to spouse who desired to stay home to attend to the needs of particularly young children.

Since predicting what the Court may do requires experience and skill, consider calling JOS FAMILY LAW for a consultation at (714) 733-7066.

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At Jos Family Law we are available to provide free consultations, at any time, including the weekends or evenings.

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