About Us

We Simplify the Legal Journey Ahead and Bring your Life Back to Normalcy

The family law attorneys at Jos Family Law have always strived to uncomplicate the lives of our clients. We don't just represent you on paper, we understand your situation, explain the possible options ahead, and stay with you at every step of the journey. You'll always have a team of attorneys ready to hear you out at Jos Family Law.

California Bar Registered Family Law and Divorce Attorneys

  • More than 2 decades of combined experience
  • Focused on family law issues
  • More than 99% success rate
  • Comprehensive legal understanding
  • We manage everything from settlements to litigations.
About us

Why Hire Us?

Choosing the right counsel is of utmost importance. It has to be someone who is confident who can put you at ease, no matter how complex your case is.

Every member of our team at Jos Family Law is here to help you.

We Take Care of Everything

Legal process is complex and time consuming, and we understand that it can be overwhelming for most. This is why we put our experience at work for you to secure your future and of those you love.

Customized Solutions

Just as no two individuals are alike, so are their circumstances. We understand every minute detail of your case to analyze the best possible legal step to take so that your goals are met.

Dedicated to your Cause

You'll always have an attorney at hand to assist you with any questions or queries.

We have the Resources

We have a vast network of attorneys, paralegals, financial advisors, doctors, psychologists, and more.

Experienced & Aggressive Trial Attorneys

All attorneys at Jos Family Law are aggressive trial attorneys who know when and how to defend your rights in court. While our priority is to use a collaborative approach to achieve your goals, we don't hesitate to pursue your best interests if negotiations break down or your spouse refuses to cooperate. This combination of compassion and aggression sets us apart as zealous family law attorneys.

We know that every case has the potential to be negotiated to reach a favorable resolution that saves time and money, but not all cases can be resolved that way. Binoye Jos has comprehensive experience in finding practical solutions that others find hard to achieve in court. We have gained experience and polished our skills in County, state, and federal courts with a successful track record of helping clients like you.

We approach every legal issue one at a time and try to resolve them amicably to maintain a positive relationship between ex-spouses. This is also beneficial for the children who can still enjoy quality parenting time from both parents even after a divorce.

But when it's time to take your case to court, remember that we don't shy away from fighting for you every step of the way. We aim to be exceptional trial lawyers who are willing to go the distance to help you reach your goals

Skilled Family Law Attorneys Serving Orange County

This may be the first time you're experiencing family law issues like a divorce, child custody, or alimony - but not for us! Jos Family Law has comprehensive experience in providing personalized attention, seasoned guidance, and aggressive litigation.

Get in touch with our family law attorneys to look into your situation over a complimentary and confidential consultation to discuss your case.

About us